- 请求信息 : 2025-03-22 14:37:33 HTTP/2.0 GET : https://icmaychip.com/zh-cn/category/resonators/DK-174-31.html
- 运行时间 : 0.306578s [ 吞吐率:3.26req/s ] 内存消耗:8,863.88kb 文件加载:309
- 查询信息 : 0 queries
- 缓存信息 : 2 reads,0 writes
- 会话信息 : SESSION_ID=5abaa067230e2033d0a54e590e01aa47
- CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.001372s ] mysql:host=localhost;port=13306;dbname=icmaychip_com;charset=utf8mb4
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_site` [ RunTime:0.003118s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_site` WHERE `lang` = 'zh-cn' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000432s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_columns` [ RunTime:0.001359s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_columns` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'zh-cn' ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000535s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_news` [ RunTime:0.001475s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_news` WHERE `lang` = 'zh-cn' AND `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000518s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_news_category` [ RunTime:0.001225s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_news_category` WHERE `lang` = 'zh-cn' ORDER BY `id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000375s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_single_page` [ RunTime:0.001342s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (0,21,24,25,26,27,29,30) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'zh-cn' [ RunTime:0.000905s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (0,20,23,22,28) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'zh-cn' [ RunTime:0.000522s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_link` [ RunTime:0.001206s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_link` WHERE `state` = 1 ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000364s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `shop_lang` [ RunTime:0.001235s ]
- SELECT `lang`,`name` FROM `shop_lang` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.000387s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_columns` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'zh-cn' AND `tag` = 0 ORDER BY `sort` ASC LIMIT 3 [ RunTime:0.000428s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (0,21,24,25,26,27,29,30) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'zh-cn' [ RunTime:0.000771s ]
- SELECT * FROM `shop_single_page` WHERE `id` IN (0,20,23,22,28) AND `state` = 1 AND `lang` = 'zh-cn' [ RunTime:0.000494s ]
- [API] request as curl: curl -X GET 'http://gateway.icku.net/api/oneLevelCateData?id=174&manufacturer_id=31&platform=DK&recommends=14&manufacturers=6' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'appid: 64455031' -H 'appsecret: HVD9NpxYdcLJQKlK' -H 'domain: www.icmaychip.com' -H 'locale: zh-cn' -H 'Host: gateway.icku.net'
- [API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"categories\":[],\"manufacturers\":[],\"products\":[],\"total\":0},\"locale\":\"zh-cn\",\"request_id\":null,\"response_time\":1742625454}" [elapsed: 0.02416 secs]
- [API] request as curl: curl -X GET 'http://gateway.icku.net/api/category?platform=DK&id=174' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'appid: 64455031' -H 'appsecret: HVD9NpxYdcLJQKlK' -H 'domain: www.icmaychip.com' -H 'locale: zh-cn' -H 'Host: gateway.icku.net'
- [API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":174,\"parent_id\":12,\"name\":\"谐振器\",\"path\":\"0;12;174;\",\"product_count\":1894,\"slug_name\":\"resonators\",\"description\":\"谐振器系列中的产品是频率选择元件,用于在与外部驱动电路一起使用时生成频率源,类似于石英晶体器件的使用方式,但采用了不同的技术,例如表面声波 (SAW) 或压电陶瓷材料。在其应用空间与石英晶体的应用空间重叠的情况下,谐振器器件通常提供更高的耐用性,但代价是精度和输出稳定性降低。\",\"child_count\":0,\"children\":[]},\"locale\":\"zh-cn\",\"request_id\":null,\"response_time\":1742625454}" [elapsed: 0.016345 secs]
- [API] request as curl: curl -X GET 'http://gateway.icku.net/api/category?platform=DK&id=12' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'appid: 64455031' -H 'appsecret: HVD9NpxYdcLJQKlK' -H 'domain: www.icmaychip.com' -H 'locale: zh-cn' -H 'Host: gateway.icku.net'
- [API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":12,\"parent_id\":0,\"name\":\"晶体、振荡器、谐振器\",\"path\":\"0;12;\",\"product_count\":755151,\"slug_name\":\"crystals-oscillators-resonators\",\"description\":\"晶体、振荡器和谐振器产品是用作频率生成和时间测量的源或参考的设备。在大多数情况下,基于某些以已知频率振动的机械结构的物理振动,它们根据其具体实现方式以及附加支持功能的结合程度进一步分类,从而实现使用方便或可达到更高的精度和/或准确性。\",\"child_count\":8,\"children\":[{\"id\":169,\"platform_id\":169,\"parent_id\":12,\"version\":0,\"path\":\"0;12;169;\",\"name\":\"Programmable Oscillators\",\"slug_name\":\"p (truncated) ... [elapsed: 0.016733 secs]
- [API] request as curl: curl -X GET 'http://gateway.icku.net/api/category?platform=DK&id=174' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'appid: 64455031' -H 'appsecret: HVD9NpxYdcLJQKlK' -H 'domain: www.icmaychip.com' -H 'locale: zh-cn' -H 'Host: gateway.icku.net'
- [API] response: [200 OK] "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"id\":174,\"parent_id\":12,\"name\":\"谐振器\",\"path\":\"0;12;174;\",\"product_count\":1894,\"slug_name\":\"resonators\",\"description\":\"谐振器系列中的产品是频率选择元件,用于在与外部驱动电路一起使用时生成频率源,类似于石英晶体器件的使用方式,但采用了不同的技术,例如表面声波 (SAW) 或压电陶瓷材料。在其应用空间与石英晶体的应用空间重叠的情况下,谐振器器件通常提供更高的耐用性,但代价是精度和输出稳定性降低。\",\"child_count\":0,\"children\":[]},\"locale\":\"zh-cn\",\"request_id\":null,\"response_time\":1742625454}" [elapsed: 0.016675 secs]
